Two-Way Radios - A Technology Facilitating Long Distance Communication!

· Communication

Who doesn't remember their childhood fantasy! Looking at police officers communicating over a radio. That black piece of handheld plastic enables communication by the press of a button.

Is reading this taking you back to your childhood? Technology has since advanced a great deal, and mobile phones are far more advanced than a simple radio. But nothing can replace the security of that black plastic hunk!

Check Out Handheld Radios For Sale Before Finalizing The Purchase Decision!

Just reading the preamble would have taken you back to your childhood and got you missing something you probably never even possessed and are indeed back to the same emotion as when your parents denied buying you one. What if we tell you your childhood wish could come true now? How? Buy handheld radios for sale!

Sounds too good to be true, right? Fortunately, it is true. Head over to an online marketplace and make your dream come true. Show your child what it felt like to talk on a garbled voice channel, on how you could keep one channel open for all and another for a private conversation. How this piece was the key to winning in treasure hunts!!

What Is The Use Of Handheld Radios?

This is not just a piece of nostalgia. It is a beneficial technology. It is still used by police officers, mountaineers, event planners, and fire departments. In a limited space, a radio could be handy to a team and, at times, could also prove to be a lifesaver! And such powerful devices require potent batteries. Two way radio batteries come in different types:

1. Nickel Cadmium

2. Nickel Metal Hydride

3. Lithium-Ion

4. Motorola Solutions IMPRES batteries

Working Of Handheld Radios

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Want to learn how handheld radios work? Here is a brief explanation on how these work. NiCd batteries work well in extreme temperatures (-30℃ to +50℃) while NiMH batteries don't work efficiently in extreme temperatures, but last 40% better than NiCd batteries.

Li-ion batteries are up to 30% lighter than their nickel counterparts and are environment friendly. However, they don't tend to have a "memory effect," i.e., they don't tend to charge less in case of overcharging. On the other hand, Motorola Solution IMPRES batteries are the best of all, explicitly made for two-way radio batteries. It charges 150 times more than any other battery and lasts longer than any radio battery in the market. We could talk endlessly about it, but Motorola, the company who made it, already has, so head over to their website and find all you want about the battery!

Best Brand Of Two-Way Radio To Buy?

A genuine question, and if you have come this far in an article, probably the question in your head too! The answer is simple, buy Motorola 2 way radios.  Think about it, if a company can have enough trouble to find a perfect battery for two way radio, imagine the R&D put into making the product itself. They are the industry kings in 2-way radios.

Keeping up with the current technology, they are app-enabled, meaning you can enable live location and track your radios. They are also waterproof, durable, and long-lasting. Motorola has a whole industry line-up of radios for each family and a radio for each purpose! What are you waiting for? Go ahead and find your fit and get yourself a two-way Radio!